Pilates for Children

A Pilates based exercise programme for children and young people led by Chartered Physiotherapists and Pilates Instructors.

Benefits of the Kids Tone programme:

  • Develops and increases awareness of postural habits
  • Challenges and helps improve static and dynamic balance, proprioception and co-ordination
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Develops and strengthens bone density
  • Encourages positive attitudes towards exercise and an active healthy lifestyle

Enter a world of exercise and make-believe, where we’ll go on an action-packed adventure.

On our journey we’ll learn the principles of good movement, control and posture whilst
having fun!

Pilates Tone at Blackstone Physiotherapy in Moira is now offering Pilates classes for children and young people.

It is important that we educate our children from an early age. If they can learn to move with ease and develop good postural habits then there is a good chance that these habits will continue into adulthood. If that is the case then maybe they will suffer less mechanical dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, less pain and fewer problems as they grow older.

In Pilates, children learn about good postural habits and are encouraged to think about their own postures in different activities. With more constant input we are more certain to be able to get more output in precision of movement. It allows for our neuromuscular system to be more aware of our body position – th

is is known as proprioception. It enhances the sensory input, improves flexibility, co-ordination, stamina, and strength. With all this in mind, it also improves mental ability and encourages a better sense of well being, making those individuals happier and perhaps less prone to depression.