About Pilates
sophisticated, elegant, educated exercise
Pilates is a safe sophisticated system of exercises that targets the deep postural muscles of the abdomen and spine to improve overall posture, flexibility and core stability. It consists of flowing movements and co-ordination, coupled with concentration, focused breathing and slow precise movements designed to increase core stability and strength. During Mat Pilates you will use your body weight and different types of small equipment to challenge and strengthen your core. By doing this your general strength increases allowing you to perform better on a daily basis. This makes Pilates the ‘backbone’ of your exercise programme. “In 10 sessions you will feel the difference, in 20 sessions you will see the difference and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body” – Joseph Pilates.
Principles learned from Matwork are now applied during exercise on the Reformer. Exercise on the Reformer is made challenging through the use of resistance by springs against your body weight on a moveable carriage. The original Reformer exercises were strenuous and required high levels of fitness – suiting the ballet dancers Joseph Pilates worked with at the time. These exercises have now been modified to build your endurance while your muscles elongate and your spine aligns. Reformer Pilates will dramatically transform the way your body looks, feels and performs. It teaches body awareness, good posture and promotes easy movement.
Joseph Pilates famously said “first educate the child”. We believe it is important that we educate our children from an early age. If they can learn to move with ease and develop good postural habits, these habits will continue into adulthood. At Blackstone Physiotherapy Ltd we have a programme developed specifically for children. ‘Kids Tone’ recognises that building a strong core is the backbone of improving flexibility, co-ordination and strength in children, helping them to develop as they grow older. Advantages of exercise in children include benefits such as: reduced risk of obesity and type II diabetes and an improvement of bone health. Pilates Tone at Blackstone Physiotherapy offers both Mat and Reformer classes on a daily basis. For more information on these, or on how Kids Tone can help your Children – please contact one of our staff on 028 9261 1211